Sunday, July 22, 2012

Food, Wonderful Food

Street food is amazing. Hungry at 2am? No problem. Just pick up a little red basket and fill it full of fish cakes, sausage, rice cake, chicken, cuttlefish, hearts, livers, intestine, mushrooms, baby corn, green beans, shrimp ball, pork ball, blood rice, etc. Fried or broiled, sprinkled with white and red pepper, and put in a little paper bag with a pointy stick. Problem solved!




And for desert? Just take a walk down any street or venture into any shopping center. Bakeries here are also open late into the night:

Taipei Main station shopping mall
 angry bird cakes

coffee cake doughnut 

 cream puffs

Japanese fruit centered jellies

Shan Mai Taro store

flaky taro cakes

taro biscuits 

taro ice cream

chewy taro biscuit

flaky taro cake

Local Banqiao bakery
layered sprinkle cream bread

twisted almond molasses pastry

Squirrel cake

1 comment:

  1. I'm searching for shan mai taro cake online.. very very hard to find. argh the taste sooooooooooo nice. anyone can tell me where to buy it here in kota kinabalu, or online?
