Thursday, December 31, 2015

Last Days in Taipei

After the journey back from Sun Moon Lake, we made a quick stop at the dentist where it took all of twenty minutes to have Travis X-rayed and his tooth fixed up. This time's grand total....$30!

The Mandarin Oriental Hotel is by far the most impressive hotel we've ever stayed at. The staff were very friendly, helpful, and greeted us by name every time we came and went. The flower arrangements were AMAZING with fresh new orchids from all over the world on a daily basis, scattered throughout the halls and reception areas. Orchid flowers were even left in our room by the sink and tub. A very nice touch indeed.

They even set up a special surprise for us!

台北建國假日花市 - Taipei Holiday Flower Market

On our adventure for seeds, we heard about the famous Jianguo Holiday Flower Market and decided to spend some time here on our last day. This place was mind blowing. Seriously. Thousands of bonsai, trees, orchids, seedlings, seeds, and water plants. 

Our new miniature orchids

Nearby was also a jade and art market. They didn't appreciate my picture taking in the jade hall...

Our last dinner- Hot pot 
 Kanpai Kurogeya 乾杯 黒毛屋, across from Texas Roadhouse-hah!

Delicious, fatty meat on the bone, soy broth, veggies, thinly sliced meats, oh my!

When ordering the soy broth, you can choose to turn the leftovers into risotto by adding rice and shredded cheese. So yummy, and nothing went to waste.

The great thing about this place is that, despite being a $$$ rated fancier restaurant, we spent a grand total of $60 on our meal (our most expensive this trip) and the crowd was extremely varied making the environment very comfortable. That's the nice thing about Taiwan- everyone wears what they want and everyone has their own unique style. You don't have to feel odd that you aren't in a sports coat and button up, wearing the currently trending brands, or caked in makeup. There's a bit of everything and everyone fits in.

And of course, desert!

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