Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Back to Taipei

Had a pretty interesting experience last night. We got back to Liching's parents pretty late. The door locks here are CRAZY and it took us a few days to figure out how to use the one to our place. So, the one at Liching's parents is even worse, and we can't use it. We thought we could... but apparently not! We didn't want to wake anyone up using the door bell, so we tried to find a way to access the roof. Some guys on the street saw as looking around and asked if we needed help. Explained the situation the best we could, and they ended up wanting to do everything they could to hep us. Before they understood completely, one of the guys explained that his sister lived at a temple and we were welcome to stay the night. We then explained the key situation, and they understood. So, they followed us to the door, and sure enough, it opened instantly. These locks are insane, seriously. How nice, especially at around 2am. Thank you nice people of Taiwan!

Morning consisted of visiting the local market. Soy milk for breakfast- again. It tastes so much better here. I thought I didn't like it before, but I guess that is because the US doesn't do a very good job making it. They also have different seeds here... so maybe the genes are a little different. Whatever the case- yummy. Would have taken pictures... but too many fresh chickens being prepared to sell. The clams looked delicious though, and the smell of todofu (stinky tofu) and durian was pretty heavy. Yum, but not yum at the same time. Both smell aweful, but taste good. Gradually getting used to their stink. Durian isn't even allowed in many public areas due to the smell.

The kids were over again today, happy to see us after we got back from the market. Not happy to see us go. The little one started crying and said he wanted to come back to America with us. Then they made a barricade and wouldn't let us leave. So cute. Also, we are super impressed with these kids! Their parents have done very well, but their father is an extremely smart man too. Travis picked a clipping of a passion fruit flower to take back to Taipei so we can grow it. The little one told him "remember to water it!" They also constantly reminded us what shoes to wear in what room and when to take them off. Here, You have house shoes, bathroom shoes (since the shower is the bathroom) and no shoes in the bedroom. When we left, the little one also reminded us to take the train.

Then off to the subway to go back to Taipei. The main train station was really cool. Downstairs, they sell all sorts of fresh snacks and cut fruit of all kinds. The wax apples looked delicious, and we ended up getting some Lychees. The high end ones, which people feel taste better. I have no idea, Lychees are great either way. Outside the station, they have a crazy shopping plaza. All the expensive stuff fro Europe, Japan, etc. Also had a  Samsung store, and Sennheiser store, among tons of awesome things you can't find outside of Asia to this extent. All the stores are in one place too, so if you need electronics of any kind, you can just go to the electronics street.

Finally back, and extremely worn out. Getting a back rub tonight. Highlight of my day, my back is killing me, and this guy is supposed to be great.

Asian back rub = always awesome. Had some amazing tea afterwards too, a famous one in Taiwan. The only way I can explain it is that it is milk tea that tastes like Asian popcorn. mmmm.

outside our window- people here love their plants! We are growing some soon, Travis planted a few the second day here.

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