Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Another Day

Stayed up way too late last night walking around and ended up sleeping in. So, I think the sleep schedule thing will finally work now. Hung around at Liching's parents for a while and got pestered non-stop by her brother's kids. They are very cute, but too much energy! They loved digging around in our stuff and asked what everything was. One is three, and the other is four. They speak Taiwanese, Chinese, and can read a little. So impressive!

Finally left the house and went to ceramic street. Only went in a few stores before things started to close. We will go back soon and spend the whole day there. Completely in awe. They have the most beautiful art! Today we saw mostly tea ceremony items, rice pots, incense burners, little plant containers, carvings, vases, etc. So amazing! All of these items were handmade in Taiwan, and again super cheap even compared to mass produced American goods. What quality and craftsmanship. Sounding like I'm liking this place too much? Oh yes. It's amazing. I will probably keep telling you all day after day! I have a few pictures, but most places will not allow pictures, as to respect to the artist and to prevent pieces being copied.

Ceramic street

Discipline stick for naughty children. Liching would make a scary mother!!!!

Ants on a ceramic log

Croissant ice cream cone

I can't get over how nice people here are. Today, I saw a super cute Shiba inu. A man and his woman friend were playing with it at the park, fetch with a rock. We stayed and talked to them, pet the dog, and played with her for a while. So nice, since I'm about to go through serious withdrawal not being able to see my puppies. Found another Shiba at a ceramic shop, he was white. I would have taken that dog home in a heartbeat. Super sweet, and when he wanted pets he would lay an the floor sideways and wriggle his front legs around. I was trying to order tea at a shop, and forgot the word for green. So, this girl started to help me after a few minutes of confusion with the shop staff. We started talking and she offered me her number to help us out whenever we needed anything. How nice :)

They have cool parks here too- instead of gyms, they have all sorts of outdoor exercise... things. Never seen them before!
Cool dragon carving. Notice the man doing push ups on the bridge

Shabu shabu for dinner, yum! About to go to a temple to relax, and then to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see all these cool pics of people, places, and FOOD! lol We're enjoying your vacation vicariously from our lil' bubble here in Dallas. Have a great time, look forward to hearing more stories when you get home! Jay and Yuko
