Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hong Kong and Zoo

Peaceful place to rest and get a massage at the airport in Taipei before going to Hong Kong

Muslim, Hindu, and Christian Prayer rooms at the "Butterfly Garden"

Really cool jewelry store in Hong Kong- Liching got anniversary rings for her parents and I found a really pretty white gold ring with two flying fish dragonflies. Very reasonable considering the materials and craftsmanship! 

Pacific Place Mall storefronts. Very expensive, high end stores, but cool to look at!

 Close up of the Harvey Nichols department store, coat hanger display

Up at Victoria peak- Jackie Chan lived on this hill!

 Overlooking Victoria Peak

 Cool buildings downtown- this one was designed by the same guy that designed the Louvre and the triangle building downtown in Dallas

Went to the Zoo Sunday. It was so awesome! Best zoo I've ever been to. I've been to a few out of the country as well, and this place has it all. The enclosures are really nice, and very specific to the animal. Most are much larger than you normally see, and the animals look healthy. We were so pooped by the time four rolled around we had to leave. We only saw 1/2-3/4 of the zoo and some animals were sleeping. Like the armadillo thing with HUGE scales! Can't remember what it is called, but I want to see it! Real bad. They had a possum-like animal too. Same nose as Suki has, super cute but different body and colors. We will go back soon to see the rest. It is only about $2 US to go. I love the values you get here.... 

Cool leaf bug in the bug building- they had all sorts of leaf and stick bugs- very hard to find!

All of the signs were very informative...

Even the bathrooms taught us things! The stalls had information regarding different animal poo, and they had a 3D display on the wall to further our learning about droppings, specific to the area of the zoo

The wild squirrels here are dark brown, some almost black. He was reaching for that rotten banana

A hungry owl taking a good look at a small child....yum!

The Panda only gift shop near the panda exhibit. They were all asleep, hopefully they will be awake next visit

 Inside the panda store

 Native black bear- sound asleep

 In the butterfly house

Started to rain just as we were walking home from the market. Not a surprise. However, thirty minutes later, it was a crazy monsoon out there. Major flooding in many cities. We are fine though, no worries! We live on the top floor of our building. Liching's family also lives in a very safe area, so that is good. This is pretty abnormal, but I guess Taiwan is showing us all it has to offer. 

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