Thursday, June 14, 2012

Another Rainy Day

The sun comes out at around five in the morning. We have no curtains, so of course it is hard to sleep in past six or so. Tried to get back to sleep and failed. Started to rain early on, and then we headed out on the CRAZIEST bus ride ever. I prefer the metro, but Liching's sister wasn't aware of that, so we took the bus to go see her uncle (She can't speak enough English, we can't speak enough Chinese...yet). The ride was an hour long on a standard bus. The driver had no idea how to shift properly, so we were bouncing around, jumping all over the place. For an hour. Really awesome, considering that my head was spinning when I woke up this morning. We made it finally, and we all survived. We took the metro back, by the way.

Liching's uncle treated us to a Japanese hibachi lunch. We had chicken and steak, and it was amazing. Probably some of the best chicken I have ever had. The chef cooked it so nicely! He was pretty cool too, and talked to the table the whole time. We could understand only bits and pieces- it's so frustrating. Just another motivating factor to make us learn faster!

After, we headed out to Taipei main station to buy some art supplies to keep me occupied, and hopefully make some cash! Took a nap, then ate dinner at Liching's sister's downstairs with her daughter. We had "dragon whisker" vegetables, some sort of squash greens, and a few other dishes. Ended the night with a love fruit (green mango) stuffed popcicle. Yum. 

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