Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dinner is Served! In a Toilet.

On Friday, we went with several friends to the Modern Toilet restaurant in the Ximen area. Taiwan is known for having some strange themed restaurants including Hello Kitty where even the hamburger buns are shaped like Hello Kitty, and airplane restaurant mimicking the interior of an aircraft, meals served by flight attendants, hospital cafes in which your drinks are poured from a medicine pouch hanging from the ceiling and desert is injected into your mouth by a syringe. They used to have a prison restaurant as well where guests would be handcuffed for their meal, but after offending too many people with artwork and signage, the restaurant shut down.

Modern Toilet storefront, Taipei

Our table, a bathtub




Travis' bathtub chicken curry au gratin

Lisa's toilet chicken curry, and salad under the swirly dish

My pork, seafood, and veggie toilet hot pot

 Of course, chocolate ice cream for desert. "Ice cream" really suits the stuff in Taiwan. Milk is in short supply here, so the ice creams are much more icy and less creamy. Still good though

Gift shop stuffed toy

Assorted gift shop items

More wall artwork

 You might think that eating out of a toilet surrounded by bathroom fixtures would be odd. None of us were bothered and instead we fully enjoyed our meal. The food was delicious!

Risotto is a restaurant named and themed after a dog, the one sitting by the window. If you click on, and make the picture larger, you can see that there is a door opener just at his level. The Risotto dog opens the door as customers come and go.

Part of the menu from Risotto

A note on bobba in Taiwan:
Back in the states, there are several issues when getting boba. They are expensive, if you want one that is good, sometimes the pearls are too hard or too soft, they screw you over by filling half the cup up with ice, they give you too few pearls, and they add too much sugar. My favorite place in Dallas just so happens to also be the most expensive place to go, at about $4 a cup. Here, boba ranges from less than $1 to about $1.50. And that's for a large size. Always delicious! You can choose NO ice at all, and the level of sugar. A huge scoop of pearls is standard.

Pearl milk tea, pearl green tea with frozen mango puree. 

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