Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Sunday's adventure took us to Keelung, a city on the northern coast of the island. It is a big fishing city, and the night market was full of seafood of all kinds. Hoping Island Beach Park has some interesting scenery with its unique rock formations. These forms exist on other beaches in Keelung, and many are much taller than what we saw Sunday.

Near a large docking station for all kinds of boats and cruise ships

sea roach

the sea roaches really liked this particular rock...

a huge, hand-sized spider we found on the way

And of course, some food. We found a small bakery nearby and asked if they had polo buns. They did not, but the bakery owner convinced us that these buns, which she thought look somewhat similar to polo buns, were very delicious. She let us try a piece and her sales tactic worked... Slightly crisp on the outside and nice and eggy on the inside, hardly sweet.

egg custard filled bun

egg tart, also delicious

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