Sunday, September 29, 2013

Bonjour, Paris!

Notre Dame de Paris, Travis avec pigeon 

We arrived on Monday the 23rd, sometime around 10. The flight wasn't to horrible aside from it being so hot it was difficult to sleep. Oh well, we made it safely. Found a nice AirBnB to stay at, much nicer and larger than any hotel you can find in Paris without spending major $$$. We had a little kitchen as well, so we bought some Sicilian grapes, yogurt, and pastries. The grapes were probably the best we've ever tried and strangely, the taste had a hint of lychee fruit!

It is always interesting to visit a place you haven't been to in over fourteen years. Different things are noticed, some things change however, most thing here have stayed the same. Usually, monuments are much larger as a child, but the Tour D'eiffel didn't seem to shrink so much. Le Louvre seemed quite a bit larger too. That's probably an understatement- that thing should have its own zip code.

Paris is all about smoking cigarettes and enjoying chats with friends, laying on the grass, drinking, and eating cheese. Maybe that's all of France, but that isn't for us to know for sure. Find a Brasserie, smoke a cigarette, have some beer. Chat a while, smoke a cigarette, repeat. All day. All night. At least people get out and enjoy nature, sitting outside at cafes instead of on the couch at home texting people that live only a few miles a way, doing the exact same thing.

Puree goose/duck liver spread. Mmmmm.

Inside Foie Gras Luxe

Escargot restaurant

Patissiers here are all over too, and the pastries are so pretty! (Macrons will get their own post, of course) 

It's so nice to find Orangina here everywhere. It's delicious and so hard to find in America. Whole foods, Kuby's and Central Market are the only places we know of, and they only carry the original flavor, not the strawberry mixed or red version. Et sa pulpe!

For some reason, Orangina needs sexy animals and vegetable people to illustrate how delicious their products are. Here's an add from a while back. You'd never see anything like this on US television...

Near Notre Dame, squid o love!

A few years back, people started a tradition of making a wish and putting a lock on a certain bridge near the cathedral. Since, thousands have been attached to the bridge and light posts, as well as other bridges due to lack of space.

Here's ours, the red beat up one; the one with character! No words needed, the lock knows all.

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