Sunday, October 6, 2013

Paris La Nuit

It is oh-so-hard to post here, getting back late and completely pooped. Although late has now turned into several hours earlier than normal. Poor internet connection that fades in and out doesn't help much either.

Paris is very alive at night. Of course, more wine and smoking. It is nice and cool, perfect for an after dinner walk.

L'arc de Triomphe

We went to the Eiffel Tower and discovered this little guy, arousing the curiosity of locals, taking advantage of his own cuteness trying to steal a drink or two.

Very friendly, and he was still pretty young. Really soft too!

12:00 sparkle! 
(Our first days in France we were more ambitious regarding the late night return...)

And here are some fun things from a store window on our way back. Apparently these dog pillows are all the rage right now; we saw them everywhere.


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