Saturday, May 3, 2014

To the Blue Coast!

After five days in Paris, we headed to the train station. The taxi got confused and we ended up missing our train, leaving us several hours to walk across the street to the correct station, grab a bite to eat, and poke around. Five hours later, we arrived in Nice.

The double decker train was nice inside, had its own bar and snack counter and provided tables, lamps, and outlets at each group of seats. It was unfortunate missing the earlier train as it started to get dark three hours into our ride. We enjoyed the daylight we had, watching cows graze on uncrowded acres, hot air balloons drifting by, and tiny little towns with their own unique touches.

Actually staying in Cagnes Sur Mer, we made our way to L'antoline to be greeted by our host Frederic. Then, bedtime.

In the morning after having toast with Frederic's amazing homemade jams, we took a ride in an all too familiar vehicle to the weekend market in Antibes.

Just like home!

Our view from the hill 

L'antoline bed and breakfast

Travis was brave enough to drive during our stay on the coast. We decided completely against the idea in Paris. And roundabouts? A no-lane circular free-for-all mess. Driving up and down all the hills was an adventure in our little Citroen.

 The Antibes market is small but rewarding. The market in Nice is much larger, but we somehow didn't make it out there. Next time!

All sorts of interesting jellies



Stinky, moldy, delicious cheese

Assorted pates 

Tried a bergamot macaron, it was pretty good!

amazing dried meats

Fresh wild mushrooms

Stopped at a restaurant near the marina for lunch. Travis ordered a steak "medium". Medium doesn't exist here. Either your steak is raw, or partly alive.

It may look cooked, but no. No it's not.

Steaks always come with fries and mustard. Meat and mustard are an amazing combination. 

Delicious mussels in cream sauce

It started to thunder. The skies were near black as rain began pouring down on us on our search for the car. Travis' directional abilities are beyond excellent; there have only been a few times we were momentarily lost. But today, in the pouring rain without our waterproof camera bags, we run the streets with no recollection of our surroundings. Nearly thirty minutes later, we find the garage. Next, it's time to fight the malfunctioning parking machine that has trapped us in and head back to Cagnes Sur Mer.

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