Saturday, May 3, 2014

Nice and Monaco

The beaches in Nice aren't sandy, but rocky. The rocks are pretty neat, most being dark gray with white stripes wrapping around them. And with beaches come delicious seafood!


Clam herb pasta

Nothing beats French lettuce (and squid)

And of course, you can't go without a real Gelato. Paciugo just doesn't compare.

Europe loves their Nutella. You can find it about anywhere, and in mass quantities. 

On our drive to Monaco, we ran into a medieval village on a hill.
The village is still operational with a hotel, tea house, art galleries, and residences. Wouldn't it be cool to live here!? Although all the tourist traffic may get old. Rent is outrageous, pushing hotel prices into the $1200/night range. 

Dried roses from a nearby vendor

Lavender salt

Inside the old church

Monaco, the world's most expensive city.

The Casino

Crystal Guns

The W way up on the hill

Japanese Garden

 The Buddha Bar

After years of listening to the Buddha Bar soundtrack, it was time to check it out.

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