Friday, November 30, 2018


Business, holidays, and birthday- Time for Europe!

11-22, arrival in Madrid. 4 hours of driving, and we are finally in... I have no idea. Somewhere in the middle of nowhere, some medieval village. My mother has acquired a little farmhouse which will be renovated within the year. Her artist friend has purchased the old olive oil mill to transform into a bed and breakfast. Everything will stay as is, just cleaned up and added onto in the same original fashion is was originally built. No new buildings will be permitted in the village, only this type of renovation.

After arriving at the farmhouse where we will have Thanksgiving, we ventured out to the old castle which remains in ruins since the French blew it up, partially. A nice, dramatic foggy day. The vibe is great. Here with us, we have an artist couple, Joseph (future B&B owner) and a Greek makeup artist from LA. And of course, our Spanish friends, who have never experienced American Thanksgiving.


After exploring some, we headed back to begin meal prep. The turkey is cooking in a wood fired oven while we prepare all else with farm fresh or wild ingredients. Mother has brought a US turkey with her, and we have a local one as well.


Hours and many beers and wines later, our feast is  ready. The Greek finally emerges from her room after a day, bearing chopsticks for her meal. Why haven't I thought of this? All meals should be eaten with chopsticks or fingers, we certainly both agree. All conversation turns to Spanish. They speak differently than what is spoken in Texas, and much faster. It is harder to understand but I do my best. Finally, the pumpkin pie is served- it was a big hit. We have been asked to come back next year. Why not!?

The next day, we drive out to the mill. What a cool place. This will be great once finished, I can't wait to see it! They are also currently working on a train, as the only option is to drive. Multiple hours.


Off to Seville!  I had wanted to get more tattoos while travelling and found Juanma only 2 weeks prior to my trip. Thankfully, he had some time Friday evening. 2.5 hours later, my angler fish was finished. Then, off to enjoy the night! I'll definitely be back in April to balance out the other side with another interesting sea critter. 

Check out Juanma's work, @tres_lagrimas 

Saturday, I headed out to the large cathedral located in the city center which was probably one of the most impressive I have ever visited. You feel high just walking around, I'm not sure how else to explain it. So old, so majestic, so big, so much history.

                                                                                              Grave of Columbus

There are oranges EVERYWHERE in this city. I hear they aren't the kind you want to eat, but they do make the spring air smell of orange blossom. Beautiful; that's one of my favorite smells, but too bad it is winter now!

After, I checked out some art galleries and wandered to the bull arena. Pretty neat. Although I love animals and do not wish for their inevitable death in the ring, it is very different from the bull fighting found elsewhere in the world, which is more of a sport murder display.

                                                          First and only bull ever
                                                                                             pardoned at this arena.

Caught a flight the next day to Paris, ending my nice little adventure in Spain. See ya Spain- I'll be back soon!

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